Our “Concept Spa” brings innovative and unprecedented themes from Europe to Argentina. A “BIO” place for highly therapeutic vegetal and organic treatments, not aggressive or invasive at all. Treatment`s formulas and protocols were exclusively developed for Sainte Jeanne Hotel Boutique & Spa in Geneva, Switzerland, and they guarantee completely corrective and dynamic results, using vegetal anti-age therapies and peel treatments for all kind of men and women ‘skin.
Know our
Le Bio Spa
All our guests have free access to our exclusive Le Bio Spa, the only one in the city, located in the last floor of the building. 320 square meters of unique services including sauna, Jacuzzi ,solarium in the outdoor terrace as well as Le Bio Spa authentic treatments.
Rest in
A harmonious and pleasant environment
Every guest will be able to rest in a harmonious and pleasant environment, and to enjoy a distinguished marble-made heated pool, with submerged deck chairs and 14 colorful water jets that create a calm view and the perfect space to relax the body.
Rest in
A harmonious and pleasant environment
Every guest will be able to rest in a harmonious and pleasant environment, and to enjoy a distinguished marble-made heated pool, with submerged deck chairs and 14 colorful water jets that create a calm view and the perfect space to relax the body.
A “BIO” place
Our treatments
Exclusivo Masaje Sainte Jeanne
Desde tiempos ancestrales la utilización de resinas tales como el incienso, mirra y benjuí, era una ofrenda para encender el alma. El sentir este tratamiento lo conecta con la pureza interior.
Nuestra ofrenda es de exfoliación corporal completa con su nutrición adecuada, masaje cérvico-craneal, piedras calientes y limpieza facial des-estresante.
Masaje Descontracturante
Este masaje es ideal para la liberación de oxígeno en los tejidos.
Relaja y desintoxica. Elimina dolores musculares mediante estiramientos, masajes profundos y movilizaciones articulares, trabajando sobre la neuralgia y contracturas en su totalidad.
Exfoliación Corporal con hidratación
Único tratamiento para reactivar el brillo saludable que da la desintoxicación, al tiempo que ofrece una dosis intensa de hidratación.
Masaje 2 en 1
Este placentero masaje busca el equilibrio mente-cuerpo, comenzando con un masaje corporal localizado, utilizando aceites esenciales. Continúa con un masaje facial, trabajando los meridianos y reactivando las células con productos especialmente diseñados para mejorar visiblemente el aspecto de pieles fatigadas.